About "Devin Nicole Photography"

My small business has been around for 3+ years and I love it so much. Photography has really grown to be a passion for me and anywhere I go, I look for spots to do shoots at. I enjoy creating and capturing memories that your family will cherish for a lifetime.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mini Sessions

So this is the first time I've done photography mini sessions and I really enjoyed it. I did learn a few things through the experience as well. I loved working with all the children:)

Here are some of the images we created:

Austin had his very first t-ball game this day!
 These brothers were so stinking cute!

This family was a crack up:)
These two were so well behaved and Megan's "laugh" was hilarious!
These two were so adorable. They've definitely got an arranged marriage in their future ;)
Overall, I really enjoyed my spring mini sessions and can't wait to do another mini session day in the future!

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